Resources for Mold Illness
Websites with information about remediation and cleaning:
Mold Inspection Sciences is a mold inspection service that specializes in helping those with mold illness. They are in the Bay area but are willing to travel to Humboldt for a group of clients. At North Coast Naturopathic Medicine, we collect names of patients interested in this service so that they can be grouped together for a more affordable inspection cost.
Brian Karr’s website- he is a mold inspector who specializes in helping mold sick people identify indoor mold issues.
Mold Finders Radio: Brian Karr’s podcast- available on Spotify and other podcast platforms
US Enzyme makes multiple types of plant based enzymes that break down mold toxins and spores. Enzymes and other fogging solutions are best used after the main source of mold has been removed and repaired.
This website sells natural products intended for cleaning and removing mold and mycotoxins.
Sells various products made from thyme oil that help prevent mold growth and denature mold toxins.
A comprehensive guide to which items can be cleaned, how to clean, and which should be discarded.
Websites with information about mold illness:
A website about mold illness
Dr Ritchie Shoemaker’s website. Dr Shoemaker is a pioneer of identifying and treating toxic mold. He is one of the first doctors to identify the issue in his patients and has come up with a comprehensive treatment strategy that he teaches to other doctors. He has written several books about mold illness, including Surviving Mold and Mold Warriors.
Dr Jill Crista, ND is a naturopathic doctor who is at the forefront of the latest research on mold and mycotoxin illness. She has a course for physicians and has written a book called Break the Mold
Neal Nathan MD has written several books. Toxic and Mold and Mycotoxins 2022 are good references for people with mold illness
Limbic System Retraining Websites:
Gupta Program™ Brain Retraining is a powerful revolutionary Neuroplasticity, Mindfulness & Holistic Health Program & App for Chronic Conditions, includingLong Covid
The Dynamic Neural Retraining System™ is a drug-free, self-directed program that uses the principles of neuroplasticity to help reverse limbic system impairment in the brain, and to regulate a maladapted stress response involved with many chronic illnesses such as Long Covid, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Lyme Disease, Food Sensitivities, Anxiety, Chronic Pain, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome and many other conditions.
A membership based system that uses elements of DNRS, Safe & Sound Protocol, and others to help bring you back to optimal health. Primal Trust is different from DNRS in that it has more evolving content and acts more as a membership platform with evolving content and group-based support built-in.