Low Dose Immunotherapy
What is LDI?
A revolutionary immune balancing treatment, LDI was invented by Dr Ty Vincent. LDI is a sublingual (under the tongue) liquid solution of water containing homeopathic dilutions of antigens. A homeopathic solution contains the energetic imprint of these antigens, and thus contains no actual molecule of the original substance. These solutions are sterile.
How does LDI work?
LDI works much like allergy shots- but without the injection. LDI teaches the immune system to tolerate things it was previously primed to react to. This allows more healthy immune system activity and balances the various actions of the immune system to allow for optimal health. An LDI dose consists of a very small amount of liquid in an insulin syringe with the needle removed.
Does this mean my immune system won’t be able to fight off infections?
Absolutely not. LDI stops your immune system from OVER-reacting to substances and microbes that you encounter. Your immune system will be able to function much more appropriately to any infection.
What is LDI used for?
LDI can be used to help eliminate many conditions and symptoms -autoimmune symptoms, digestive issues, skin rashes, acne, headaches, respiratory issues, chronic fatigue, long Covid, interstitial cystitis, and many other problems. Since LDI is really in its infancy, the sky’s the limit with LDI. LDI really shines when used for allergies. Environmental allergies and food allergies can be completely resolved with LDI. Even lifelong allergies can be resolved with LDI.
What cannot be treated with LDI?
Cancers, toxicity, and deficiencies(hormone, nutrient) cannot be treated by LDI (these are not immune system problems). However, reactivity to toxins, nutrients, and hormones can be treated with LDI.
Is LDI safe? Can I have a negative reaction?
LDI is extremely safe. It cannot cause a severe aggravation like allergy shots can. It can aggravate existing symptoms temporarily if you get a dose that is too strong. However, it will never cause a life threatening reaction.
What is the process for finding my perfect dose?
Your doctor will take a thorough history. This may be different from your initial patient intake with different types of questions. LDI antigen mixtures are chosen based on your symptoms. LDI is dosed in a series of weaker (more dilute) to stronger (more concentrated) doses until your symptoms go away. Once your symptoms resolve, you continue to dose your mixture every 5-8 weeks. Over time, as your immune system gets more balanced, you may be able to go longer between doses and eventually may not need to dose at all. You should be able to tell within 1-2 weeks if the dose you were given is helping. At that point you will either stay on that dose or go to a stronger one. Although multiple antigens can be dosed at the same time, initially your doctor may want to dose one at a time to not confuse the symptom picture.